Prima lettera del direttore dell'Istituto Merazzi Valter allo IOM di Roma, in seguito alle lettere di rigetto - Traduzione in inglese

The actual and delicate phase of the GFLCP induce me to ask an adjournament of information and all a guardianship about the hard task to correctly inform.

Since now , how many persons did have an account from the Foundation?
How many received, or are going to, a letter of reply?
How long it will be the time?
When does Iom think it will arrived the large part of the answers?
When does Iom think it will arrived the last answer?
Documents by Iom wrote in english french and german distributed in Belgium, expressly mention a six month time for the complaints. Is the italian Iom confirming a three month time for the complaints terms?
How is it justified this difference of treatment compare to other countries?
At the moment italian Iom, it's confirming the " projection" spread in june 2002 about 2000 request that can be paid for?
How many personal forms has the italian Iom send to Geneve ?
The forms that can be indemnify, and the one doubtful are been informatized and distinguished in a particular way?
Does existe casuistry (besides the one about Imi and KZ camps recorgnized from the 791 Law) that can permitted to "save" single position base recognition of "Hard detention condition".
On an easy way, does exist a base to determine those conditions?
Iom in Geneve has a casuistry bigger, given from the co-ordination position and it presence into the Kuratorium Foundation?
Iom in Geneve try forms, or it does just send them at the found?
How many forms are been exposed from the Iom in Genevra to the Foundation?
Without the italian translation into the Iom web site, wich are the communicatives strategy to inform the italians claimers wich are living in other countries?
Which tipes of relation are settled with germans archives, also with wich one exactly?
And wich conventions forms has been used?
Between the archives, mentioned from Iom, does it appear Wast (Deutsche Diensstelle)of Berlin, notwithstanding repeated signalling from me at Geneve and Rome head-offices, and an express request from a lot of applicants, on a important order of it, for a recorgnition at the italians position.
Is it included between the one examineted from Iom?
The question that I've asked are a lot, but I believe that just solicitous share informations can permitted to face this difficult phase.

I wish you best regards
Como 21/10/02

Valter Merazzi Director of Istituto di Storia Contemporanea "P. A. Perretta" Como

Italian rappresentative of Association, Corporation, Patronages, for the compensation of "forced work" in the nazi Germany, at the Iom in Geneve.

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