Resolution 1 (Adopted with the abstention of the Belgian Observers):

The IOM International Steering Group represents those victims of the Nazi regime who are not represented by JCC or the Central and Eastern European Foundations.
As representatives of those victims we wish to express our extreme concern at the distinct possibility that due to a financial
shortfall in the moneys allocated to IOM, the compensation to those victims under the German Foundation Act may be reduced. We demand that the principles of equal, equitable and fair treatment of all victims, irrespective of their domicile be adhered to. Furthermore, we expect IOM and governments to support our stand and to make every effort through diplomatic and other channels to achieve justice.

Resolution 2 (Adopted unanimously):

The IOM Steering Group represents those victims of the Nazi regime who are not represented by the JCC or CEE partner foundations. As representatives of those victims, we request: 

1. That the Foundation provide to all partner organizations a full and complete accounting of all deposits, interest earned, and distributions made from the beginning date of the Foundation to the present;
2. That the Foundation indicate which entities, German or otherwise, have contributed to the Capital Foundation Fund and in what amounts;
3. That the Foundation identify what financial management programmes are in place to ensure the protection of the highest value possible of the capital funds.
4. That the Foundation disclose what procedures or guidelines were in place regarding currency exchange of Foundation Funds to local currency of a recipient country. 

Resolution 3 (Adopted with the abstention of the Norwegian SG member and the Belgian Observers) :

In order to receive full clarification (a) to the points subject of the two preceding resolutions and (b) to the various worries and questions generally raised by the International Steering Group members in relation to the serious difficulties faced by IOM to concretely expedite the diffusion of information and the claims process, including those difficulties resulting from Roma and Sinti past and current situation, the IOM International Steering Group formally asks IOM to transmit to the Board of Directors of the German Foundation and to the competent authorities of the German Government, their request to meet them as quickly as possible

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